puntOorg International Journal
Nomi dei Guest Editor: Elena Raviola, University of Gothenburg – elena.raviola@gu.se Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg – ulla.eriksson-zetterquist@gri.gu.se Rolf Solli, University of Gothenburg – rolf.solli@gu.se
Descrizione: This issue is dedicated to Barbara Czarniawska’s intellectual industriousness and her ability to nurture future generations of scholars. We are inviting scholars to reflect on the future that Barbara Czarniawska’s work holds for studies of organizing in a conception that is always open in time (before, during, and after) and space (thus a circulation of ideas on an international scale), and for the organizing of our scholarly community in collegiality and openness.
Deadline: 31 December 2024
Link: https://www.puntoorginternationaljournal.org/index.php/PIJ/announcement/view/17