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Workshops on Digital

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8 and 9 February 2024 – University of Naples Federico II Complesso Ss. Marcellino e Festo Largo S. Marcellino – 80138 Naples


Organizers: Cristina Mele, University of Naples Federico II; Tiziana Russo Spena, University of Naples Federico II; Marco Tregua, University of Naples Federico II; Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Rome LUMSA

Dates and place: 8 and 9 February 2024 – University of Naples Federico II Complesso Ss. Marcellino e Festo Largo S. Marcellino – 80138 Naples

Description:: AI it has started permeating profoundly all business activities as well as management scholarly debate. Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools have recently been stressed by scholars and, most of them, spotted GAI effects in several business domains, calling for further research especially as soon as empirical evidence will be available. As such, this workshop call for papers addresses the understanding of what is next in the implementation of GAI in many business domains.

Following numerous requests for deadline extension we have just postponed the submission deadline for the Sixth Digital Transformation Workshop to January, 8th, 2024.
Additionally, we are glad to inform you that a Special Issue will be devoted to the Digital Transformation Workshop on Springer Nature - Business and Economics call will be online in next weeks and the submission opens on March, 1st, 2024.

Deadline: Submission deadline: 15th December 2023  Email your contribution to:

Notification of paper acceptance: 12th January, 2024

Conference Registration 15th January, 2024

Conference dates: February 8-9, 2024 Naples


Digital Spaces: Firms, Platforms, Ecosystems, and Industries

9th and 10th February 2023 – University of Trento Department of Economics and Management 


Organizers: Andrea Caputo, University of Trento Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Rome LUMSA Alberto Nucciarelli, University of Trento Erica Santini, University of Trento

Description: The growing interest around the various facets of the construct of space calls for both fresh theoretical and practitioner-oriented research that advances our understanding of how digital technologies influence firms’ organisational space, defining challenges, triggering necessary changes for managers, fostering the development of heterogeneous competitive spaces, leading to the innovation of traditional business models, and contributing to the emergence of new industries.

Deadline: Submission deadline: 16th January 2023 Email your contribution to:


Phygital Transformation: Components, Challenges and Prospects

10 - 11 Febbraio 2022 - Università LUMSA

Call for paper

Organizzatori: Carmelo Cennamo, Copenhagen Business School ; Giovanni Battista Dagnino, LUMSA Università di Roma ; Stefano Denicolai, Università di Pavia; Alberto Di Minin, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa; Costanza Nosi, LUMSA Università di Roma.

Date e luogo: 10-11 Febbraio 2022 – Università LUMSA , Complesso Giubileo Via Porta di Castello, 44 – Roma

Deadline: Submissions Deadline: 31 Dicembre 2021

Invia il tuo contributo a:

Notifica accettazione paper: 15 Gennaio 2022 Conference Registration: 20 Gennaio 2022

Competitive Renaissance through Digital Transformation

18-19 February 2021 - University of Pavia

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Dear Members, We are pleased to bring to your attention the next Conference "Competitive Renaissance through Digital Transformation" (third edition) which will be held in Pavia on 18-19 February 2021 at the University of Pavia, hopefully in attendance. The organizing committee is made up of: G. Dagnino; S. Denicolai; G. Magnani; G. Piccoli; A. Zucchella. FINAL Deadline for Paper Submission: 22 December 2020 Deadline for registration for the Conference: 20 January 2021 We will shortly make available the Call for Papers, registration procedures and all useful information.

Management and marketing in the digital age: digital transformation in italian smes

17 February 2020 - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan)

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Dear Members, we are pleased to bring to your attention the call for paper relating to the II Management and Marketing in the Digital Age Conference: "Digital Transformation in Italian SMEs" to be held at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan on 7 February 2020. FINAL Deadline for Paper Submission: 30 December 2019 Deadline for registration to the Conference: 15 January 2020 Attached is the call for paper with all useful information.

Digital transformation and internazionalization of firms: Prospects, Challenges and Future Agenda

17-8 February 2019 - University of Palermo

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Dear Members, we are pleased to bring to your attention the call for paper relating to the Conference "Digital Transformation and the Internationalization of Firms" to be held in Palermo 7-8 February 2019 at LUMSA. The conference is organized by the Lumsa office in Palermo - Professor Giovanni Battista Dagnino. FINAL Deadline for Paper Submission: 30 December 2018 Deadline for registration to the Conference: 15 January 2019 We send attached the call for paper with all the useful information, the registration form and the suggestion of some hotels.

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